Monday, March 21, 2011


Today we got reports on countrys, and i got Italy! I love Italy so much. I Know SO MUCH ABOUT IT. I am making mini spicy meatballs on sticks. My moms from Italy.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mr. Leiser

Today we were the jury in the case of Goldilocks vs. The Three Bears. Mr. Leiser was the judge. I thought Goldilocks was guilty of Breaking and Entering. She should go to jail. She should not go into other people's houses without asking.

Peace by brothers and sisters!
By: Terren

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

immigration game!!

Today we played a game about immigrants. It was called "immigrtion game". We seperated people into two groups one was a big rectangle and a small. Then we made them draw fruit. The big group got more points, and got a prize. Have a great day Morrison.

BY: Francesca Smith

Monday, March 14, 2011


today i went outside and it was really rainy. i hated it.

by frankie

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

my buisnes

today i started my own buines. it is called "paper anything". I will make anything paper! From rugs to houses, It is great! If you want anything let me know! Have a paperific day!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

spinning around

today me and my friends went,to the yellow bar and i flipped backwards.also in class i had a good day.

by: FS